NTM No. 35 Ship to ship transferApril 16, 2024NTM No. 37 Buoy S10 litApril 22, 2024 NOTICE TO MARINERS NO.36/2024TANNOUNCEMENT TO THE SHIPPING TRAFFICCHART 2765/2218ENTRANCE SURINAME RIVERBUOY S10 UNLITShipping is hereby informed that buoy S10 (05° 57’.560 N – 055° 12’.065 W WGS84) in the entrance of the Suriname River is unlit.All ships should take notice of the above mentioned. Share Related postsFebruary 13, 2025NTM No. 13 Buoy LS in positionRead moreFebruary 12, 2025NTM No. 12 Buoy LS out of positionRead moreFebruary 12, 2025NTM No. 11 Deployment of ADCP Mooring SystemsRead moreFebruary 7, 2025NTM No. 10 Reposition of buoy D8Read moreFebruary 6, 2025NTM No. 09 Buoy S4 in positionRead moreFebruary 4, 2025NTM No. 08 Buoy S4 adriftRead moreFebruary 4, 2025NTM No. 07 Reposition of buoy D8Read moreFebruary 4, 2025NTM No. 06 Reposition of buoy D8Read moreFebruary 1, 2025NTM No. 05 Buoy maintenanceRead more