In accordance with the Port Law 1981 (SB 1981), Articles 5 and 15 paragraph.1, ships smaller than 50 gross tonnage have the obligation to notify the Maritime Authority Suriname (MAS) when they navigate the Suriname and Corantijn river coming from the outer buoy. Information should be provided using one of the following means:

  • VHF channel 12 or 16, or
  • Telephone: 597 474575/597 231585 (Corantijn-Nickerie), or
  • Cellular phone: 597 8168461

Please note that the MAS should be reported regarding all movement of your vessel in port and at departure through VHF or phone.

On this page you will find all necessary forms: 

  1. Notice of arrival form
  2. Maritime health  declaration form
  3. Crew list form


Ship particulars and contact details
This document is issued in accordance with the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), 1965.
Dit document wordt verstrekt in overeenstemming met het Verdrag inzake het Faciliteren van het Internationale Zeeverkeer, 1965.

Agent of ship at intended port of arrival

Port and port facility information

Additional information

Information to be summitted at the Maritime Authority Suriname not later than two (2) days at arrival in port.


Maritime Declaration of Health form (Maritieme Gezondheidsverklaringsformulier)

Agent of ship at intended port of arrival

Upon request of the competent authority at the port of arrival, list crew members, passengers or other persons who have joined ship/vessel since international voyage began or within past thirty days, which ever is shorter, including all ports/countries visited in this period (add additional names to the attached schedule):

Health questions

Note: In the absence of a surgeon ,the master should regard the following symptons as grounds for suspecting the existence of a disease of an infectious nature :

Fever, persisting for several days or accompanied by (!) prostration (!!) decreased conciousness; (!!! ) glandular swelling; (!V) jaundice; (V) cough or shortness of breath; (V!) unusual bleeding; or (V!!) paralysis.

With or without fever: (!) any acute skin rash or eruption (!!) severe vomiting (other than sea sickness); (!!! ) severe diarrhoea; or (!V) recurrent convulsions.


This document is Issued in accordance with the provisions under article 15 paragraph 1 sub a. of the “Sea fishery Act 1980(S.B. 1980
no144) – Dit document wordt verstrekt in overeenstemming met artikel 15 lid 1 sub a. van de “zeevisserijwet 1980(S.B. 1980 no.144)”