A. Types of weigh installation/ method
The MAS registers 2 types of weigh installations/ methods:
- Weighing method 1 (Concerns weighbridges, weighing containers) and
- Weighing method 2 (Concerns weighing all items separately and then calculating VGM)
Weighing method 1 (Concerns weighbridges, weighing containers)
Required documents for registration:
- Extract of the Chamber of commerce and Industry.
- Evidence of approval for the weighbridge, issued by the Guarantee and Calibration Service (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation).
- Proof of payment for registration.
Weighing method 2 (Concerns weighing all items separately and then calculating VGM)
Required documents for registration:
- Extract of the Chamber of commerce and Industry.
- Evidence that the company that is going to determine the VGM is certified in accordance with the AEO standard (Type C, S and F) or ISO standard (e.g., ISO 9001, ISO 28001, e.g.).
- Evidence of approval for each weighing equipment, issued by the Guarantee and Calibration Service.
- The calculation method to calculate the VGM of a container.
- Proof of payment for registration.
B. Each of the weighing methods and weigh installation must be registered separately.
C. Price per weigh installation: USD 50, –
D. All the required documents need to be scanned and emailed.
E. The account numbers of the MAS are:
- DSB – USD: 04. 36. 666
- Hakrinbank – USD: 2080. 49. 017
F. Email documents to:
- framdass@mas.sr
- rfungaloi@mas.sr
G. After sending the information, the payment will be verified with MAS finance department, and you will receive approval for your registration.
H. You receive an invoice for your reregistration from the MAS.
If not, you can contact us on the emails indicated in F.
I. Follow step A to D.
No need to send an extract of the Chamber of commerce and Industry in case you already have.