December 11, 2014The Pilot Services DepartmentThis department deals with the piloting of sea-going vessels. Piloting involves the guiding of a […]
December 11, 2014Vessel Traffic Control (VTC)This department has the following tasks: receive piloting applications and analyze and correctly record […]
December 11, 2014Traffic, Maritime Security and PortsThe activities of this subdepartment are as follows: Investigation of incidents on the inland waterways […]
December 11, 2014Registration, Inspection and CertificationThe activities of this subdepartment are as follows: Inspection (examining) of vessels sailing our inland […]
December 11, 2014GeneralThe Department of Maritime Administration of the Maritime Authority Suriname supervises the compliance of legal […]
December 11, 2014Mission Statement & VisionBased on our Strategic Business Plan 2018 – 2023, our vision for the coming six […]
December 11, 2014HistoryOn July 1, 2007 we commemorated 60 years of maritime development. Looking back on more […]