From 2nd till 23rd July 2022, ship to ship transfer of cargo will take place off the Coast of Suriname. Round logs will be transferred from the barges Big Hub 12 and Big Hub 17 to the MV Diamond Star 1. The barges will be towed by the tugboats Massive 3 and Massive 6.
The operation area is indicated by the following coordinates:
WGS ‘84 | Latitude | Longitude |
D1 | 06° 11′.988 N | 055° 19′.739 W |
D2 | 06° 11′.988 N | 055° 19′.956 W |
D3 | 06° 11′.773 N | 055° 19′.956 W |
D4 | 06° 11′.770 N | 055° 19′.739 W |
The vessels will be limited in maneuverability during this operation.
Communication will be through VHF channels 12 and 16.
All ships should approach the above-mentioned area with caution and reduce speed while passing.